About SIVE

Stichting Intercultureel Vrouwencentrum Enschede (SIVE) is an organization for women by women. On this page more information will be provided about SIVE and what we are about.

About SIVE

Stichting Intercultural Vrouwencentrum Enschede (shorted to SIVE) is an organization for women by women. We want to help women find their place in Enschede and the surrounding area.

We do this by organizing activities that connect, inspire, and empower women. Examples include language classes, coaching trajectories, and other lowkey activities such as a walking group where women can meet each other.

Who is SIVE meant for?

Every year about 5300 women visit SIVE. These are all sorts of women: young or old, higher or lower educated, religious or not, single, partnered, or with a family. All women are welcome!

Every woman can discover something new through SIVE. We can provide you with information about Dutch language lessons, inspire you, offer you creative workshops, or opportunities to meet other women – the possibilities are endless. On the other pages on this website you will find an overview of all our activities. Do you want to ensure you’re informed about everything SIVE does? Sign up for our newsletter.


Our history

SIVE was founded in 1991. Our goal is to provide the opportunity to women to become active in Enschede. Our activities are chosen specifically to enhance the chances for women to participate in society. SIVE is housed in the library of Enschede. Our team organizes all sorts of activities, meet ups, and gatherings.

Brigit Sijmons

Every year on International Women’s Day SIVE awards the Brigit Sijmons Award to the most inspiring woman in the region of Twente. The name of the award honors the woman who was the chairperson of our organization for many years. She sadly passed away on November 10th, 2017. During the years she was the head of our organization, she use her passion and positivity to inspire many women to follow their own hearts. Through this award we wish to keep her mindset and strength alive, as well as give local inspiring women the recognition they deserve.

Sign up for our newsletter

Stay tuned for all activities and inspiring meet ups through our newsletter.

Who are we?

SIVE’s organization is run by volunteers and a coordinator. The coordinator is a paid employee who oversees the running of day to day activities. At the moment SIVE is supported by around 50 volunteers whose effort is indispensable. The direction of the day to day activities is shaped through policies. The policies are established by the board. At any given time the board includes about seven women.

The coordinator

SIVE’s coordinator is Yetta Hulst-Ramdien. Her effort ensures the day to day activities of SIVE are well-coordinated. She can be contacted through coordinator@sive.nl or 053-434 74 42.

coordinator van SIVE

The Board

The direction of the organization is shaped by its policy. SIVE’s board establishes this policy. At the moment the board exists of five positions.

Margreet Versteegen | Voorzitter

Margreet Versteegen

Josephine van den Graven | Secretaris

Josephine van den Graven

Jessica Riekhoff - Sadat | Algemeen bestuurslid

Jessica Sadat-Riekhoff
Board member

Carien van Horne | Algemeen bestuurslid

Carien van Horne
Board member


Vacant position

Volunteering for SIVE

The effort of dozens of volunteers underpins SIVE’s organization. Among other things these ladies oversee the activities and language classes. Behind the scenes a number of women are also active to ensure SIVE is available to as many women as possible. Has SIVE and its work inspired you? Do you have a couple of hours to spare? Contact coordinator@sive.nl to volunteer for us. Note that speaking some Dutch is required to volunteer at SIVE.



Our partners

SIVE cooperates with several different parties within and outside Enschede. Together we develop projects and activities that help women find their place in society. With these partner organizations we work on connecting, inspiring, and empowering women in Enschede.

Does your organization want to cooperate with SIVE as well? Contact us through info@sive.nl. We look forward to hearing your ideas.


Our work is partially made possible through funding from the municipality of Enschede. Other organizations contribute to our resources with funding and donations as well. In recent years donations have helped us set up extended programs like 'Look What I Can Do' and ‘Meet and Greet'.

Would you like to contribute to the existence and development of these and similar programs? SIVE has earned a ANBI-status, meaning it is formally recognized as a charitable cause. This means a donation to us can count as a deductible on your taxes. More information about this can be found on the site of the national tax authority.

ANBI status

Stichting Intercultureel Vrouwencentrum Enschede (SIVE) has an ANBI-status. ANBI stands for ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’ (Organization Serving Public Interests), meaning it is formally recognized as a charitable cause. SIVE is a non-profit organization. Donations to SIVE can count as tax deductibles. This holds true both for incidental and structural donations.


Annual reports

Download our annual reports here (in Dutch only):

Annual report SIVE 2021

Financial annual report SIVE 2021

Privacy statement

Download our privacy statement (in Dutch only)

RSIN number


Chamber of Commerce regristration

SIVE is included in the Chamber of Commerce registry under the regristration number 41030785.